Aktuelles & Termine Highlights

Catena-X: Understanding Data Driven Value Chains

As an entry point for all who have heard about Catena-X and wanted to get more in-depth information, the event "Catena-X: Understanding Data-Driven Value Chains" of the Catena-X Consortium took place on June 23 with more than 200 participants.

Catena-X Vision and Added Values: In a short introduction the background and vision of Catena-X were presented. Based on this, the added values for different participant groups were presented and deepened by means of use cases.


Data Ecosystem: Catena-X creates a data ecosystem that connects all players in end-to-end value chains. In a Q&A session with the consortium leader of Catena-X, participants were able to ask questions, discuss, and learn about the potential for a resilient and flexible supply chain management arising from the data ecosystem.


Onboarding: For those who wanted to know how to participate in Catena-X, we introduced the Catena-X onboarding process. This would bring them to Catena-X in just 8 to 12 weeks and in four easy steps.


Sustainability: One of the most important use cases for Catena-X is the determination of the carbon footprint across the value chain. Catena-X provides a standardized methodology for this, and thus, offers companies a starting point to improve their own life-cycle assessment. In this session the use case was presented in more detail.


Gaia-X, Eclipse Dataspace Connector (EDC) and Digital Twin: In this session we gave an insight into the most important technological building blocks behind Catena-X. A special focus was on the EDC, which provides the foundation for dataspace networking and data sovereignty.


Outlook: The outlook highlighted the various possibilities for further interaction with Catena-X.

Contact: georg.schnauffer[@]catena-x[.]net

Note: This was an event of the Catena-X Automotive Network Consortium Project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (funding code: 13IK004*).

Program details:

During this compact, virtual event, over 200 participants first received a general overview of Catena-X and were then able to delve deeper into a module of their choice. Whether data ecosystem, onboarding to Catena-X, application in the field of sustainability or the technology behind Catena-X: There was something for everyone.

Recording of the Keynote: Catena-X Vision and Benefits

Documentation of the Event

Catena-X Overview

Last updated:: 03/30/2023