What do we do as an association?
Our association members are ranging from Start-Ups and SMB suppliers to automobile producers. Together they describe and create the foundations for the data ecosystem.
- Collaborating in task forces and committees our members are creating technical standards for the operation, software offerings and applications as well as certification criteria for operating companies and providers.
- As an association we are facilitating and coordinating development cooperations: Based on concrete use cases, these cooperations, consortiums and projects are creating solutions that can be standard candidates for the data ecosystem. Thereby we are building the foundation for Shared Services.
- Moreover, the association is bundling information offers and qualification offers for the Catena-X data ecosystem.
- As an association we are coordinating a growing network of companies and partnerships with federations and implementation partners on a global scale.
How everything started
2020: A set of pioneering companies initiated the Catena-X Automotive Network.
December 2020: The German government first announced the network on the Digitalgipfel.
May 2021: The association Catena-X Automotive Network e.V. was founded as a legal organization and carrier of the brand Catena-X. Here you can find further information on the history and the status-quo.
Oliver Ganser
Chairman of the Board of Catena-X Automotive Network e.V. and Head of the Catena-X Consortium
The people behind Catena-X
How is Catena-X Automotive Network e.V. organized? Find out more about our organizational structure
Our current list of members
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Catena-X in practice
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