Catena-X auf der Hannover Messe 2025

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch auf der Hannover Messe an Stand D26 in Halle 8

Catena-X wird vom 31. März bis 4. April 2025 erneut mit einem eigenen Stand auf der Hannover Messe im Bereich Industrie 4.0 in Halle 8, D26 zusammen mit Cofinity-X vertreten sein.

In diesem Jahr wollen wir die konkreten Business Benefits durch die Einführung von Catena-X und sein transformatives Potenzial für die Automobilzulieferkette aufzeigen. An unserem Stand werden wir dazu Catena-X-Inhalte an 3 touch tables und auf einem 86-Zoll-Wandmonitor präsentieren. Touch table 1 ist dabei dem Catena-X Verein zugeordnet, an touch table 2 trefft ihr Cofinity-X an und an touch table 3 stellen Vereinsmitglieder slotweise ihre Catena-X Lösungen vor. Vielen Dank an alle, die sich – als Reaktion auf unseren Aufruf im Januar-Newsletter – für Slots an touch table 3 beworben haben! Durch ihr Engagement kommt untenstehendes Programm zustande, das auch nochmal in unserem Flyer abgebildet ist. Diesen könnt ihr wieder vor Ort bei uns am Stand in gedruckter Form erwerben und erhaltet durch diesen gleich auch einen Überblick über Catena-X Standaktivitäten von Vereinsmitgliedern sowie Vorträgen, Demos und Panels zu Catena-X auch außerhalb des Catena-X-Stands.


Programm für touch table 3 am Catena-X-Stand:

  Mo, 31.03.25 Di, 01.04.25 Mi, 02.04.25 Do, 03.04.25 Fr, 04.04.25
9.00-10.00 Flex: Demo of  Use Case Product Carbon Footprint Exchange between Flex and Ford SAP: Catena-X end-to-end live demo scenario including Traceability, Quality Management, Sustainability, Product Pass and Demand & Capacity Management INNOVALIA: Building a Catena-X Competence Centre in Spain: First Experiences Accelerating Adoption of Catena-X Business Solutions Capgemini: Advice on enhancing digitalization and collaboration within the automotive industry T-Systems: Next-generation PCF solution, enabling seamless and reliable CO₂ emissions tracking
10.00-11.00 Flex: Showcase of Electronic Control Unit data exchangebetween Flex and BMW SAP: Catena-X end-to-end live demo scenario including Traceability, Quality Management, Sustainability, Product Pass and Demand & Capacity Management INNOVALIA: Building a Catena-X Competence Centre in Spain: First Experiences Accelerating Adoption of Catena-X Business Solutions Capgemini: Advice on enhancing digitalization and collaboration within the automotive industry T-Systems: Next-generation PCF solution, enabling seamless and reliable CO₂ emissions tracking
11.00-12.00 Capgemini: Advice on enhancing digitalization and collaboration within the automotive industry Flex: Showcase of Electronic Control Unit data exchangebetween Flex and BMW AWS: Getting started with Catena-X through the exchange of company compliance certificates Capgemini: Advice on enhancing digitalization and collaboration within the automotive industry Capgemini: Advice on enhancing digitalization and collaboration within the automotive industry
12.00-13.00 AWS: Getting started with Catena-X through the exchange of company compliance certificates AWS: Getting started with Catena-X through the exchange of company compliance certificates AWS: Getting started with Catena-X through the exchange of company compliance certificates AWS: Getting started with Catena-X through the exchange of company compliance certificates Capgemini: Advice on enhancing digitalization and collaboration within the automotive industry
13.00-14.00 AWS: Getting started with Catena-X through the exchange of company compliance certificates GEC: "ONCITE DPS CX-Gateway: Your Catena-X Starter-Kit to Accelarate Your Business" Data Space Solutions GmbH: ConXify and Path.Era Supplier, the user-friendly, efficient start for Battery Passport, company compliance certificates management, PCF and traceability  Expert Group PURIS: Presentation of the  Predictive Unit Realtime Information Service(PURIS) FOSS application MHP: Empowering seamless access to Catena-X through our Connectivity-as-a-Service approach -  a simple and cost-effective way to connect to the Catena-X data ecosystem
14.00-15.00 SAP: Catena-X end-to-end live demo scenario including Traceability, Quality Management, Sustainability, Product Pass and Demand & Capacity Management Siemens: Demonstration of Use Cases for Product Carbon Footprint Management, Product Passport, and Catena-X Advisory on onboarding and rollout Industry Core Committee: Build data chains for vehicles and components with Industry Core and benefit from its advantages. Visit us to see why it is the core feature of Catena-X and what is in for you! Expert Group PURIS: Presentation of the  Predictive Unit Realtime Information Service(PURIS) FOSS application MHP: Empowering seamless access to Catena-X through our Connectivity-as-a-Service approach -  a simple and cost-effective way to connect to the Catena-X data ecosystem
15.00-16.00 SAP: Catena-X end-to-end live demo scenario including Traceability, Quality Management, Sustainability, Product Pass and Demand & Capacity Management Siemens: Demonstration of Use Cases for Product Carbon Footprint Management, Product Passport, and Catena-X Advisory on onboarding and rollout Industry Core Committee: Build data chains for vehicles and components with Industry Core and benefit from its advantages. Visit us to see why it is the core feature of Catena-X and what is in for you! Expert Group PURIS: Presentation of the  Predictive Unit Realtime Information Service(PURIS) FOSS application MHP: Empowering seamless access to Catena-X through our Connectivity-as-a-Service approach -  a simple and cost-effective way to connect to the Catena-X data ecosystem
16.00-17.00 INNOVALIA: Building a Catena-X Competence Centre in Spain: First Experiences Accelerating Adoption of Catena-X Business Solutions Siemens: Demonstration of Use Cases for Product Carbon Footprint Management, Product Passport, and Catena-X Advisory on onboarding and rollout Industry Core Committee: Build data chains for vehicles and components with Industry Core and benefit from its advantages. Visit us to see why it is the core feature of Catena-X and what is in for you! Expert Group PURIS: Presentation of the  Predictive Unit Realtime Information Service(PURIS) FOSS application MHP: Empowering seamless access to Catena-X through our Connectivity-as-a-Service approach -  a simple and cost-effective way to connect to the Catena-X data ecosystem
17.00-18.00 INNOVALIA: Building a Catena-X Competence Centre in Spain: First Experiences Accelerating Adoption of Catena-X Business Solutions Siemens: Demonstration of Use Cases for Product Carbon Footprint Management, Product Passport, and Catena-X Advisory on onboarding and rollout Industry Core Committee: Build data chains for vehicles and components with Industry Core and benefit from its advantages. Visit us to see why it is the core feature of Catena-X and what is in for you! Expert Group PURIS: Presentation of the  Predictive Unit Realtime Information Service(PURIS) FOSS application MHP: Empowering seamless access to Catena-X through our Connectivity-as-a-Service approach -  a simple and cost-effective way to connect to the Catena-X data


Wir freuen uns auch, dass Vereinsgeschäftsstellenmitarbeitende zusammen mit engagierten Vereinsmitgliedern mit zwei Beiträgen im Programm auf der Industrie 4.0 Stage in Halle 8 (Stand D17) vertreten sind.

31.03.2025, 13:30-14:15 Uhr

Demo & Panel: Successful intercontinental multi-tier PCF data exchange with Catena-X mit Hanno Focken (Catena-X Automotive Network e.V.), Florian Ansgar Jaeger (Siemens), Nadine Kanja (SAP), André Kremer (Ford), Christoph Schlueter-Langdon (T-Systems) und Shanawar Sheik (Flex)

31.03.2025, 16:25-17:05 Uhr

Panel: Connected Data Spaces: collaborative pioneering work in Industrie 4.0 mit Oliver Ganser (Catena-X Automotive Network e.V.), Georg Kube (SAP / Factory-X), Marius Pohl (Cofinity-X) und Andreas Wollny (BASF / Chem-X)


Ein weiteres Highlight ist das Catena-X Side Event am 31. März, das von BMW in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Catena-X Verein initiiert wurde und Beiträge von AWS, CGI, Cofinity-X, Data Space Solutions, GEC, SAP, sovity und T-Systems im Convention Center im Raum „Heidelberg“ (Erdgeschoss) umfasst. Auch hierfür gibt es ein downloadbares Programm.

Redaktionsstand: 25.03.2025