Catena-X wants to support developers to accelerate the development of solutions to contribute significantly to the rapid scaling of the Catena-X ecosystem. Therefore, Catena-X provides (1) Core Services (e.g., portal and marketplaces for, e.g., core service providers) as well as (2) Kits (e.g., for solution providers) in the Eclipse Tractus-X™ project. Tractus-X™ is the official corresponding open-source project to the Catena-X ecosystem following the Eclipse Foundation's development process to strengthen trust and collaboration.
The Eclipse Foundation is a non-profit organization that is supported by over 320 members, and represents the world's largest sponsored collection of open-source projects. It provides a global community of individuals and organizations with a mature, scalable, and business-friendly environment for open-source software collaboration and innovation.
All information about Tractus-X (e.g., project overview, developer resources, and release guidelines) as well as source code of core services and kits can be found on the Tractus-X project website.
Core Services
Core services are free and open-source software (FOSS) components, which are managed in the Tractus-X project. The initial core services are developed by the Catena-X consortium and include core and enabling services.
The repositories of Tractus-X contain, among other things, source code, technical documentation, and deployment instructions. Other core services used by the Catena-X ecosystem but developed by other projects such as Gaia-X or the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) can also be found in the Tractus-X project (e.g. Dynamic Attribute Provisioning System).
Kits aim to accelerate the adoption, development, and operations of the next generation business applications and services.
Developers (e.g. application and enablement service providers) can use and integrate Kits into their products to create a multi-vendor, interoperable, innovative, and scalable ecosystem. Data providers and consumers can use Kits to connect to the Catena-X data space. Thereby, Kits provide a unique tool set consisting of standards (e.g., semantic models) and documentation (e.g., API specifications) to enable developers to create the most innovative business apps and services. For this they provide three views:
- Adoption View - provides a comprehensive business support to enable your company to leverage a use case. The view contains business processes, semantic models, contracts & policies, (prospective) standards. The information is relevant for business / IT decision maker, business units, experts.
- Development View - provides developers with resources to accelerate the development of apps and services. The view contains API specifications, running APIs, tutorials, and reference implementations. This information is relevant for developers, app provider and service provider.
- Operations View - provides resources to deploy and operate services in your environment. The view contains quick setup guides and deployment scripts (e.g., helm charts). The information is relevant for developers, IT-departments, and operators.
Virtual Expert Forum "Catena-X Kits"
You want to dive deeper into the details of Catena-X Kits? Therefore, we established a series of events called "Virtual Expert Forums". Here you find the recording of the event on Catena-X Kits: