Item Relationship Service
Data Chains for Value Generation in the Automotive Industry
Catena-X stands for the vision of an end-to-end data exchange for all participants in the automotive value chain. Data sovereignty as well as data integration represent fundamental assets of our network.

Within the Catena-X network, the so-called Item Relationship Service (IRS) forms an essential foundation for various services and products. Within the Catena-X use cases, the IRS serves to increase business value. For example, the IRS provides functionalities to serve requirements, such as occasion-based Traceability, from the Supply Chain Act. In doing so, IDSA and Gaia-X principles, such as data interoperability and sovereignty, are maintained on the Catena-X network and access to dispersed data is enabled. Data chains are established as a common asset.
With the help of the IRS, data chains are to be provided ad-hoc across n-tiers within the Catena-X network. To realize these data chains, the IRS relies on data models of the Traceability use case and provides the federated data chains to customers or applications. Furthermore, the target picture of the IRS includes the enablement of new business areas by means of data chains along the value chain in the automotive industry.

This is a work result of the
Catena-X Automotive Network Consortium Project,
supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.
Funding code: 13IK004*
Legal Notice
Responsible for this page is the association Catena-X Automotive Network e.V., see legal notice.

Johannes Zahn
Product Owner