DIHK Webinar: Possible Use Cases of Catena-X

In cooperation with the Catena-X Association, the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organizing a webinar for interested industry leaders throughout Germany. The aim of the webinar is to highlight the application possibilities of Catena X. Catena X is the first collaborative and open data ecosystem for the automotive industry.

The webinar will take place on January 24, 2025 from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. and will be held virtually via Teams.

The 60-minute event includes an introduction to Catena-X by Anja Misselbeck, Managing Director for Political Affairs, Membership & Organizational Enablement at the Catena-X Association. The following questions will be addressed in her presentation:

  • What is Catena-X?
  • Where can Catena-X be applied and what are the benefits?
  • A first-hand report from a Catena-X adopter: Julia Vogel from Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG reports on how and where Catena-X is used in the VW Group and the benefits it brings. The VW Group uses Catena-X primarily in the areas of Business Partner Data Management (BPDM), Quality Management and Demand Capacity Management.

Another advantage is the opportunity to ask questions and talk to the speakers.

Registration at the DIHK:

DIHK Webinar: Possible Use Cases of Catena-X

Last updated:: 01/20/2025